Administrative formalities for the issuance of the vehicle registration certificate:

1. Components of the motor vehicle registration application file: The vehicle owner must provide the following documents for all registration applications:
- Registration request form withdrawn from the wilaya, administrative district or daïra with territorial jurisdiction,
- Residence card issued in accordance with Circular No. 53 of November 17, 1997 of the Ministry of the Interior of Local Authorities (except in the case of a vehicle registration request belonging to foreign aid workers),
- Extract of birth certificate or a photocopy of the national identity card,
- Deed of sale,
- Tax stamp duty,
- Receipt of transaction tax for vehicles subject to it,
- Title justifying the quality of the purchaser when the latter is a legal person governed by public law or private law.
In addition to the above documents, the owner of the vehicle must produce the following documents in the following cases:
2 - In case of importation of vehicles by natural or legal persons:
New vehicle:
- International book or gray card,
- Certificate of conformity issued by the manufacturer or the concessionaire,
- Customs clearance certificate (model 846),
- Isolated acceptance report issued by the mining services,
- Copy of the vehicle purchase invoice,
- If necessary, the translation into the national language of the vehicle registration document and certificate of conformity by a translator approved in Algeria.
· Used Vehicle:
- Final registration card of the country of origin and, if applicable, the international card,
- Customs clearance certificate (model 846),
- Isolated acceptance report issued by the mining services,
- Purchase invoice or bill of sale,
- If applicable, the translation into the national language of the vehicle registration document by a translator approved in Algeria,
- Vehicle technical control report.
3 - in case of re-registration of the vehicle in the same wilaya:
- Registration card crossed out.
4 - In the event of re-registration of a vehicle transferred to another wilaya:
- Crossed registration card,
- Control sheet issued by the wilaya of the last,
- registration, after visa from the mining department of the host wilaya.
5 - In the event of a request for registration of new vehicles acquired from dealers located in the country:
- Provisional registration card,
- Sales certificate issued by the dealer determining all the technical characteristics of the vehicle, and including information concerning customs clearance, according to the current specimen.
6 - In the event of an application for registration of new vehicles acquired from manufacturers or companies responsible for assembling vehicles in Algeria:
- Provisional registration card,
- Sales certificate, issued by the manufacturer or the company responsible for assembling the vehicles in Algeria, determining all the technical characteristics of the vehicle, according to the specimen in force,
- Vehicle purchase invoice.
7 - In the event of a request for registration of a vehicle acquired from public administrations (customs and estates) and as part of the auction by an auctioneer:
- Regulatory certificate issued by the administration concerned (customs, areas) or the auctioneer including data concerning the vehicle,
- Registration card crossed out if the sale is made by an auctioneer, when the sale is made by the customs and estates administration, registration card, if applicable,
- Individual acceptance report issued by the mining services prior to the sale,
- Vehicle identification certificate issued prior to the sale, by the mining services,
- Applicants are exempt from paying a tax receipt for vehicles seized by receivers of various contributions and customs collectors in accordance with article 147 quinquiès of ordinance n ° 76-103 of December 9, 1976 relating to the code of the stamp.
8- In the event of a request for registration of a vehicle acquired from diplomatic representations and international and regional organizations accredited in Algeria:
- Copy of the resale authorization issued by the services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs endorsed by the customs services, duly legalized,
- Customs clearance certificate,
- Individual acceptance report issued by the mining services prior to the sale.
9- In the event of a vehicle registration request belonging to foreign cooperants bound by contract:
Vehicle imported new or used:
- International booklet and the certificate of conformity issued by the manufacturer or the dealer for the new vehicle, for the used vehicle, the final or provisional registration card of the country of origin and, if applicable, the international booklet,
- Purchase invoice or bill of sale,
- Work certificate or proof of activity,
- Acknowledgment of deposit issued by customs services
- Isolated acceptance report issued by the mining services,
- Certificate of residence n ° 2.
Sale of vehicles between foreign cooperants bound by contract:
- Crossed registration card,
- Legalized deed of sale,
- Acquired as a deposit in the name of the new purchaser,
- Certificate of residence n ° 2,
- Control sheet for vehicles from another wilaya,
- Work certificate or proof of activity,
- Extract of birth certificate or photocopy of valid passport.
10 - In the event of loss or damage to the registration card and request for a duplicate:
- Declaration of loss made to the competent security service where the loss of the card occurred,
- For deterioration, declaration of honor legalized to the APC.
11 - In the event of the owner's death:
- Crossed registration card,
- Fredha issued by the notary,
- Power of attorney established by notarial deed for the benefit of an heir,
- Control sheet, if the transfer is from one wilaya to another.
12 - In the event of a change of residence of the owner:
- License plate,
- Control sheet, if the transfer is from one wilaya to another.
13 - In the event of a vehicle registration request (sale by court order by an auctioneer):
- Crossed registration card,
- Final judgment declaring the sale of the vehicle,
- Document issued by the auctioneer attesting to the sale of the vehicle,
- Control sheet, if the transfer is from one wilaya to another.
14 - In the event of an application for the registration of vehicles having undergone significant transformations in accordance with the regulations in force:
- Registration card crossed out.
- Document certifying the nature of the transformations carried out,
- Isolated acceptance report issued by the mining services.
15 - In the event of registration of vehicles reconstituted from vehicles deleted from the register of registrations:
- Certificate of cancellation of the vehicle (proof of the vehicle chassis) issued by the mining services,
- Declaration of destruction accompanied by the crossed out registration card in accordance with Article 175 of Executive Decree No. 04-381 of November 28, 2004.
- In the event of destruction of the vehicle by the competent services, the owner must file, at the daira, the administrative district or the wilaya -Direction of Regulation and General Affairs- territorially competent of the place of registration of the vehicle, in the fifteen to fifteen days which follow, a written declaration accompanied by the crossed-out gray card against acknowledgment of receipt, in accordance with article 175 of executive decree n ° 04-381.
16 - Ordinary registration of public works equipment:
- Declaration of entry into circulation for public works equipment registered in the normal series or declaration of entry into service for public works equipment registered in the special series,
- A copy of the descriptive notice issued by the manufacturer or the concessionaire,
- Isolated acceptance report issued by the mining services,
- Purchase invoice or sales declaration.
Source: Wilaya of Algiers