The purpose of this decree is to set the conditions and procedures for customs clearance and compliance control of second-hand passenger and utility vehicles acquired by resident individuals for their personal use.

- Passenger vehicle: private electric vehicle or a petrol or hybrid reciprocating piston engine (petrol and electric), designed for the transport of persons not exceeding nine (9) seats, including that of the driver.
- Commercial vehicle: private electric vehicle or vehicle with a gasoline or hybrid engine (gasoline and electric), designed for the transport of goods with a total laden weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes: van, van and pick-up.
- Second-hand vehicle: any used passenger or utility vehicle whose age does not exceed three (3) years, between the date of its first entry into service and the date of subscription of the declaration of its release. consumption.
- Resident individual: any natural person residing in Algeria.
The resident individual is authorized to acquire from natural or legal persons a second-hand vehicle for its circulation in Algeria, only once every three (3) years, from the date of the declaration of its release. consumption.
Customs clearance for the release for consumption of used vehicles is subject to the payment of the duties and taxes payable, in accordance with the legislation in force.
The import of second-hand vehicles by resident individuals is carried out in their own currencies.
Imported used vehicles:
— must be in good working order;
— must not have any major or critical defects;
— must meet regulatory safety and environmental requirements and, where applicable, the manufacturer's standards. In the event of non-compliance of the vehicle noted by the expert approved by the ministry in charge of mines, the vehicle must be re-exported at the expense of the individual resident importer, where applicable, the vehicle is taken care of in accordance with the legislation and customs regulations.
Imported second-hand vehicles are temporarily admitted to the national territory subject to the issuance of a customs clearance document valid for a period of one (1) month, non-extendable.
The customs clearance file for the release for consumption of the vehicle must be introduced at the level of the customs office of entry or the customs office with territorial jurisdiction, in relation to the residence of the resident individual.
Customs clearance for the release for consumption of used vehicles imported by resident individuals is carried out on the basis of the following documents:
— a copy of the identity document of the resident individual or a copy of the residence card for foreigners; — a certificate of residence of the resident individual;
— a vehicle registration certificate abroad or any other equivalent document; — a document certifying the transfer of ownership of the vehicle, purchase invoice and/or sales contract;
- a document dating from less than three (3) months, justifying the good working order of the vehicle, drawn up by an authorized organization of the country of its registration;
— the conformity expert report drawn up by the expert approved by the ministry in charge of mines.
The customs administration keeps a national file of used vehicle import and acquisition operations carried out by resident individuals.
Second-hand vehicles introduced into the national territory for a temporary stay in a tourist context are excluded from the benefit of the provisions of this decree.
All the details in the attached decree
