General conditions:
Algerian nationals registered at the Consulate General of Algeria in Paris, for at least three (3) years, wishing to return permanently to Algeria, can, within the limit of the amount fixed by law, import free of customs duties and taxes:
their effects and objects, including furniture intended for their personal use.
A new passenger vehicle or a new utility vehicle or a new two-wheeled vehicle subject to registration.
The maximum allowed value, including the vehicle:
Eight million Algerian dinars (8,000,000 DA), value calculated at the daily rate, for trainee workers and students training abroad.
Ten million Algerian dinars (10,000,000 DA), value calculated at the daily rate, for other nationals
Any excess of the authorized ceiling will be subject to the general customs clearance regime.
In accordance with current legislation and regulations:
the vehicle must be new and introduced into Algeria within one month.
The presence of the holder is required during customs clearance formalities.
The move must be carried out within six (06) months from the date of establishment of the CCR.
The C.C.R request is processed within 15 days from the date of submission of the file.
Stamp duty:
Four thousand Algerian dinars (4,000 DA) for the certificate of change of residence. This right is increased by four hundred Algerian dinars (400 DA) per increment of ten thousand Algerian dinars (10,000 DA) of the value declared on the inventory;
Two hundred Algerian dinars (200 DA) for the legalization of the consular registration card;
Two hundred Algerian dinars (200 DA) for the legalization of the registration document;
Two hundred Algerian dinars (200 DA) for the legalization of the radiation certificate;
Two hundred Algerian dinars (200 DA) for the legalization of the inventory;
Two hundred Algerian dinars (200 DA) for the legalization of the sworn declaration.
According to the provisions of articles 12 and 13 of the finance law for 2016, which modify and supplement article 136 of the Stamp Code, the fixed rate applied to stamp duties is: 01 EURO=100 DA.
Conditions for obtaining the C.C.R:
be over 19 years old.
be registered at the consulate as the main purpose.
Have never benefited from a CCR from a diplomatic or consular post, either in your own name or that of your spouse.
Proof of an uninterrupted stay of more than three years on the date of submission of the file.
For single, widowed or divorced women, a birth certificate stating this is mandatory.
Important: It is recommended to only order the vehicle after approval of the CCR file by the consular services.
Conditions for admission of duty-free vehicles:
the cylinder capacity of the passenger vehicle must be less than or equal to 1800 cm3 for “petrol” vehicles and 2000 cm3 for “diesel” vehicles. Any excess of cylinder capacity will be excluded from the advantages linked to the CCR and subject to the general customs clearance regime.
The total laden weight of the utility vehicle must be equal to or less than 05 tonnes 950 kg.
The two (2) wheeled vehicle must be subject to registration.
Pleasure boats, sea scooters, zodiacs, quads and other boats are subject to payment of duties and taxes.
Documents to be provided before final agreement:
1- For employees:
a handwritten request addressed to the consul.
The consular registration card + two photocopies of the consular registration card.
A work certificate and pay slips covering the last three (03) years.
two photocopies of the first page of the valid passport.
A residence permit or French national identity card and a photocopy.
A sworn declaration attesting that the person concerned has never benefited from a CCR (see forms section).
2- For non-employees:
a handwritten request addressed to the consul.
The consular registration card + two photocopies of the consular registration card
A certificate from Pôle emploi or ex-Assedic for job seekers covering the last three years.
two photocopies of the first page of the valid passport.
A residence permit or French national identity card and a photocopy.
A sworn declaration attesting that the person concerned has never benefited from a CCR.
3- For students and trainees:
a handwritten request addressed to the consul.
The consular registration card + two photocopies of the consular registration card.
A school certificate covering the last three years.
An internship certificate covering the last three years.
two photocopies of the first page of the valid passport.
A residence permit or French national identity card and a photocopy.
A sworn declaration attesting that the person concerned has never benefited from a CCR.
4- For traders:
a handwritten request addressed to the consul.
The commercial register and a photocopy.
The consular registration card + two photocopies of the consular registration card.
The cancellation of registration in the commercial register and a photocopy.
two photocopies of the first page of the valid passport.
The French residence permit or identity card and a photocopy.
A sworn declaration attesting that the person concerned has never benefited from a CCR.
5- For retirees and pensioners:
a handwritten request addressed to the consul.
The consular registration card + two photocopies of the consular registration card.
A pension or retirement certificate issued by the French paying organization covering the last three years.
two photocopies of the first page of the valid passport.
The French residence permit or identity card and a photocopy.
A sworn declaration attesting that the person concerned has never benefited from a CCR.
The additional file to be provided after agreement:
The originals plus photocopies of the following documents:
1- For the vehicle:
the provisional registration certificate (address in Algeria).
The vehicle purchase invoice;
The certificate of conformity.
A “vehicle manufacturing date” certificate
2- For furniture and personal effects:
The encrypted inventory in two copies including the vehicle (see forms section).
3-Change of residence with transfer of activity or with creation of a new activity:
As part of its activities or the creation of an activity other than that carried out abroad, any Algerian national can benefit from the right to import without payment, to clear customs with exemption from foreign trade control formalities and with exemption from duties. taxes, materials and equipment intended for the use of the previously approved activity, in accordance with the legislation in force.
When it is a new authorized activity, the materials and equipment must be new or overhauled under warranty on the date of importation.
However, vehicles for transporting goods as part of a duly approved activity in Algeria must be imported in new condition. These include trucks, semi-trailers and trailers, concrete mixers, road tractors and special purpose vehicles.
Documents required :
a file containing the same documents as an ordinary CCR and obeying the same conditions (inventory of materials and equipment).
Registration in the commercial register with the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The approval issued by the Algerian authorities concerned for the exercise, in Algeria, of the activity to be transferred or created.
Proof of the effective exercise of an activity abroad during the last three years preceding the date of transfer.
A sworn declaration declaring that these materials and equipment admitted to exemption will not be transferred or loaned for three (03) years, without having first paid duties and taxes.