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Renault: Project H

Writer's picture: COCKPITCOCKPIT

This code name may seem barbaric to you, but it may conceal one of the noblest projects of the French automobile industry of the time.

In collaboration with Peugeot, Renault launched a car project to dethrone the French queen of the time: the Citroën DS. It was intended to produce more than 50,000 copies per year and to be adopted by the Élysée.

The story begins in the 60s, in the midst of doubt in the French automobile industry, the government launched the strategic restructuring plan called the Pons plan, motivated in particular by the creation of a European common market of 6 countries, the creation in 1968 of the EEC.

Alliances between competitors are formed to better penetrate new markets and competition.

Thus was born the idea of ​​the H project between Renault and Peugeot. A statutory car project 4.90 meters long and 1.88 meters wide, with a 3.5L V8 at 90 ° propulsion as an engine, the idea could have made noise, but it is a hidden story of which even:

Hugues Portron, director of Renault Classic: “we don’t know much about this car, even internally”. It is true that this prototype dating from 1968 will never give rise to a production model.

This story, COCKPIT tells you in more detail after its visit to the Renault Classic stand at the last Rétromobile in Paris.

It is rolling that this unique prototype has taken its place in the stand. Something unprecedented since it is the first time this example, the only one still existing of the three built, is unveiled to the public, and yet even if this H project does not make people talk about it, lovers of the diamond brand voted for it to be exhibited.

Mounted on the extended base of a Renault 16, this prototype takes accessories from other models of the brand such as the logo of the R4. In any case, this prototype is indeed unique by its design and sign of its collaboration with Peugeot, we notice on the caps located on the engine, the Peugeot logo.

Moreover, the people at Peugeot were surprised by the current existence of this model, especially since on the Peugeot side, it does not exist on the rolling model of their version.

You wonder why this model never went to the marketing stage, the reason is due to its engine being too heavy which had an impact on consumption too high before the oil shock of 1973 and also poor braking.

The era of euphoria was over, around 1968, the H project was abandoned and the demands revised downwards. Instead, a new joint program shorter by 20 cm was envisaged: the J project for Peugeot and 120 for Renault.

However, another element that is told to us by the managers present at Renault Classic is that this prototype had large glass surfaces that let in light and glances, but at that time potential customers did not want to be seen and preferred hushed spaces.

Renault was the first to abandon the project, Peugeot waited a few more months before doing its part. The V8 was shelved, but a lighter version of the engine with 6 cylinders appeared and equipped other models of the brand as well as some Volvos. As for the style, it inspired the Renault R20 and R30.


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